Golf Car Safety Guide
If you just purchased a shiny new golf car, you’re probably eager to fire up the engine and take it for a spin! However, before you get started, you should learn the fundamentals of golf car safety. Read on for some quick safety tips and feel free to contact us if you have any questions!
The User Manual
When you bring home your golf car, make sure to sit down with the user manual. This vital resource contains information about your specific model, including safety guidelines and a recommended maintenance schedule. Remember to keep the user manual on hand for future reference, storing it alongside your insurance and registration documents.
Road Rules
When you’re operating a street-legal golf car on public roads or private land, some basic road rules must be observed: wear your seatbelts, indicate your turns, and yield to pedestrians. Most importantly, refrain from operating your golf cart under the influence of drugs or alcohol. The penalties for operating a golf car under the influence are similar to the penalties for driving under the influence involving any other vehicle and the resulting accidents can also be severe.
Load Capacity
While golf cars can be used to transport heavy loads of materials and equipment, be careful never to exceed the weight limit for your vehicle. Overloading your golf car can make it harder to control the vehicle and may lead to a serious accident. The load capacity should be listed in the user manual provided with your golf car.
To ensure the safe, reliable operation of your golf car, you’ll want to keep up with routine maintenance. Stick to the recommended maintenance schedule provided in the user manual and consult a professional technician if your golf car is not performing to your expectations. Whatever you do, never operate a golf car that needs repair.
We hope you found these safety tips helpful. If you’re looking to buy a golf car, visit one of our five locations in South Carolina to take a look at our selection. Graham Golf Cars proud serves the greater Myrtle Beach area and all our South Carolina customers.